Raising The Driving Age To 18 Essay

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There was this one 16 year old was driving after curfew and crash in the woods and his leg broke during the crash, he was found 2 hours later, luckily still alive. This is why I think that we should raise the driving age to 18, it will cause less accidents, they can take drivers ed a 15 and will have 3 years to learn how to drive. They will most likely be more responsible on the road, and have greater experience on the road than most 16 year olds.

One reason why I believe that we should raise the driving age to 18, it will cause less crashes. In source one it tells us that in 2003, there were 937 people that are the age of sixteen that were involved in fatal crashes. Out of the 937, 411 died, and 352 passengers died. If we change the driving …show more content…

People that take drivers ed at the age of 15 have a longer period of time to learn how to drive. Instead of 1 year to learn how to drive, people until 3 years to learn how to drive. At the time when go out to drive on their own they have more experience at driving. Causing the crash rate to decrease very quickly.

The increasing of the driving age to 18 will guarantee less crash on the road. They have more experience on the road and most likely have more responsibility. What I found in the first article it told me that a 16 year old's brain is less developed than a 18 year old. Evidences shows that a 16 year old's brain is far less developed that a 18 year brain. That means that a 16 year old wouldn’t think about consequences if they do this.

People might say that 18 year olds are cause more crashes on the road than 16. I was reading a Article and it said The University of North Carolina and California apartment of Motor Vehicles analyzed more than 130,000 fatal teen crashes and they say that 18 year olds crash 1,134 more crashes than 16 year olds. The thing is that 16 year olds drive a lot more less than 18 years olds. Most 16 year olds have their parents or a person that has a driver license a the passenger