Ralph And Jack In William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

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Ralph and Jack have very differing views on how the society of boys on a stranded should be run and the governmental ideas. Their physical appearance, personality traits and their political ambitions shape their identities on the island and causes conflict when choosing a leader. Jack's ideas for society showed great leadership but his physical appearance and the way he represented himself caused others to vote against him for someone else. "Jack slammed his knife into a trunk and looked around challengingly," (Pg 33). Jack's physical appearance and the way he acts tend to scare and fear the little kids on the island causing them to not like him. This causes a chain of events that lead to the election of Ralph because of his fair boy appearance. …show more content…

Throughout the book Ralph is described as the boy with the fair hair, sometimes even the fair boy. All the while the kids follow him due to his looks. Electing a leader based on his looks is detrimental to a society and can majorly ruin the population. This ideology leads to profiling in society along with racism through classifications on race and how people look. Rules and regulations on electing a leader as well as thorough explanations on each candidates is what makes a civilization successful. Jack's personality helps shape his identity and political ambitions through his tough can do attitude and high expectations for the other kids. "A fat lot you tried, you just sat,” (Pg 42). "Jack waved them off, 'Shut up,'" (Pg 63). Jack has very high expectations for the people on the island especially the older kids. He expects them to listen and obey and when they don't they face punishments. This mentality and type of government representing a dictatorship Jack would like to run would've worked great on the island and would've gotten a lot more done than Ralph did. He doesn't take no for an answer and knows how to appeal to emotions to get stuff done even if he hurts someone's