Ramesses II Hypostyle Project

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With looming implications of more wars in the future Ramesses II was in quite a jam. “While another round of war was on the horizon, both empires were under pressure with the Hittites were facing the reemerging Assyria in Mesopotamia, and Egypt was facing a threat from the Libyans in the west (Dr. Sameh M. Arab).” Ramesses II and several military leaders consulted and determined that the easiest way to combat this troubling time was to try something radical, a peace treaty. What today sounds like a common occurrence, but at the time was rare or never seen. This peace treaty would be the first in history and is the greatest accomplishment of Ramesses II (Hypostyle Project: War Scenes of Ramesses II: University of Memphis). The peace treaty was …show more content…

There were a couple instances where there was tension between the two empires in lieu of the treaty. “Tension persisted owing to the presence of the deposed Hittite prince who remained in political asylum in Egypt for 10 years after the treaty. Though Hattusili requested his surrender, Ramses refused to apply the treaty in retrospect. This was probably due to the Hittites refusal to re-adjust the borders between Egypt and Syria to their pre-treaty positions. This, together with the bitterness Hattusili felt due to the arrogant tone in Ramsses messages, continued to create tension between the two courts. In letters, Ramses had to remind Hattusili of their fraternity, and reproached him on their exchange of gifts. Hattusili had send but one handicapped slave as a gift, while Ramsses had sent a number of physicians who were in high demand worldwide, along with a substantial quantity of herbs (Arab, Dr. Sameh M.). Another instance where tension grew between Egypt and Hittites was when Ramesses II married a Babylonian princess. This made Hattusili very jealous and promised Ramesses II his daughter 's hand in marriage when she came of age, so thirteen years later Ramesses II married the Hittites Princess. Once the marriage was completed the tension went away. For the most part Egypt and Hittites were good standing. Which meant that the Egyptian northern borders were safe. The treaty lasted for forty …show more content…

The result allowed for the modernization of Egypt. Under the hand of Ramesses II Egypt was to create exuberant monuments and buildings. Ramesses II had many extravagant monuments and buildings constructed for him. No other Pharaoh before him had ever constructed in such quantity. Ramesses II himself did not build, but he gave the instruction to build. Many monuments and statues were created of his likeness. During his reign he created a new capital. Pi- Ramesses was the name of the new capital. His father Seti I had built a palace there before the creation of the capital, in the summer that is where Ramesses II would spend his time. It was located in modern day Qantir, Egypt. One of the greatest constructions is called the Ramesseum. The Ramesseum is a memorial temple, which is a temple to commemorate a Pharaoh. The memorial temple is supposed to reflect the reign of a Pharaoh. Since Ramesseum II reign was so long his temple is monstrous. Abu Simbel is a place located Nubia, in southern Egypt (The Great Temple of Ramses II). The temples are next to each other and carve out of large rocks mountains. These twin temples were created to celebrate the victory of the Battle of Kadesh. One temple was to represent Ramesses II and the other was to represent his wife Nefertari. There are many other great marvels, that Ramesseum II had created and other smaller buildings littered all

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