Randomized Control Trial Pros And Cons

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When designing a study, it is important researcher consider the potential risk of the study. After all, minimal risk should have considered when designing a randomized control trial. The fact that there is no clear understanding of what can the high-fiber supplement do to the subjects proves that this research is not ready to be piloted. A study was conducted to clarify the rules related to randomized control trials. The study concluded that,
Participation in a randomized, controlled trial may pose no more than minimal risk when: 1) genuine clinical equipoise exists; 2) all of the treatment options included in the research study fall within the current standard of care; 3) there is no currently available treatment with a more favorable risk-benefit …show more content…

If the risk factors are defined, and participants sing an inform consent of acceptance to the risk involved with the study, then there should be no problem. It is like joining the military, there are pros and cons, but those who chose to help us stay safe did it for a purpose, and some say they did it to help their country, to fight for their rights, and for everyone’s freedom. Regardless of the reason, the fact is that they took a considerable risk to serve and protect all of us. Those veterans have been exposed to so much to save humanity. Is that ethical? With that said, those who choose to participate in research studies do it so that one day there could be a cure for the intended disease, and their children or the coming generation would not have to suffer. However, it does not mean that researcher should ignore the fact that there could be potential for psychological and physical negative impact on the participants and their families (Nelson, & Morris, 2007). With that understanding, every precaution must be taken so that minimal risk is associated with any randomized control