Rapping Poetic Techniques

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Hints to help you rap fast
Rapping like a speed demon will leave your audience reelin ', you 'll finish your rhyme and hear the audience screamin ' and squealin ', but learnin ' how can leave you feelin ', at a loss for what to do. Many rap legends are recognized for the ability to spit a rhyme in no time, and if you aspire to become a rap king from a lowly squire, you 've got your work cut out for you! Train your skill, be brave and perform, protect your voice, and soon your speed will be well outside the norm.

1. Warm up your voice before rapping. As a rapper, your instrument is your voice. If you don 't warm up your instrument beforehand, you could hurt your voice or end up rapping less impressively than you want.
2.Write potential …show more content…

Practice your diction. Diction is how clearly you speak or pronounce words, and when rapping quickly, good diction is very important if you want people to understand the words you are saying.

Practice controlled breathing. Poor breathing technique could leave you gasping into the mic after spitting some righteous rhyme. This can distract listeners from your message or your clever use of words.

Read out loud. Reading out loud can help you speak more smoothly and will improve stuttering, stammering, and getting tongue tied. Reading out loud can also help you speak faster, which will translate to faster rapping ability

Record your voice and listen to it. This is an important part of your improving your rap skills. When rapping, you might get caught up in the moment or in the flow of what you are saying, which might make it hard to identify trouble spots or strong points.
Find your message. You 'll be more passionate if you 're rapping about something important to you. This, in turn, will lead you to being more productive in your rapping.

Listen to and imitate rappers you want to be like. The styles of your favorite artists can act as a lens through which you focus and discover your own style. Repeating your favorite lyrics can help improve