Rcw 11 Anthony Case Analysis

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Under the RCW 11.28.120, the persons entitled to letter looks reasonable to me. It started from the closest person in general and goes on. I believe out of all those individuals on the list, one of them will be able to serve in most case before it goes to the court to appoint a person to administer. However, I would probably add an extra individual called “significant others”. In these days, there are many couples whose been together for long time as husband and wife, but choose not to officially get marry. In such case, I think they might end up going to fall under suitable person appointed by the court. I think the court should add the “significant others” on the list, but they will need to prove to the court the relationship between decedent. …show more content…

I can agree with most part, but I have concern about persons who have been convicted of any felony. What happen when the spouse convicted a shoplift felony when he/she was young and already received punishment under the law? To me, it doesn’t sound fair to judge someone qualification of the role base on maybe a small mistake from the pass. Also, I think there should be some kind of standard or investigation to decedent’s family on moral turpitude. Since there is no a valid Will, I think the court should do a little bit more to appoint the right person on decedents

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