Reading 7 Summary

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Although being in a complete different chapter Reading 7 deals with perception and consciousness, but also correlates with Readings 13 and 14 as a result of the presence of cognitive psychology. However, Readings 13 and 14 both vaguely move away from this type of psychology and move toward different views, for example, 13 revolves around the self-fulfilling prophecy and 14 around intelligence and the MI theory. Nonetheless, all three reading stresses their importance in society and have changed certain outlooks dealing with psychology. With Reading 7 dating back to the mid 1900s, an influential psychology professor named Rosch stepped outside the boundaries and changed the way we look at cognitive psychology upside down. Challenging classical views along with studying human cognition and perception Rosch proposed concepts and prototypes as an experiment ultimately favoring her side. While testing with Dani males and using color stimuli perceived experiment Rosch concluded that people from a …show more content…

Using an elementary school to study his theory, he recorded how expectations affected results. Describing the bias from teachers as a result of the Pygmalion effect Rosenthal used TOGA and told teachers they used Harvard Tests. As a result, children who supposedly scored higher on the Harvard test did in fact increase overall in their IQ test, however, the correlation decreased the higher the student grade was. As a result, many questions were brought up by these experiments which ultimately focused on the teacher and their way of teaching the reason for the overall correlation. Nonetheless, Rosenthal in fact impacted the education field to lean toward less bias and the usage of self-fulfilling prophecy was brought up which could have supported the creation of the nowadays beta club and alpha