Ready Player One By Ernest Cline

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We will never know what could happen in the future with all the advancements in technology. Technology could help make the world a better place, or the opposite could happen, and technology could cause people to lose touch with reality and the world will slowly crumble. The novel Ready Player One written by Ernest Cline is a sci-fi novel that is written in a futuristic world with an advanced virtual reality video game called the OASIS that everybody uses. Cline uses the dystopian structure, the OASIS, and character development to show that while technology can have many benefits, many people can lose touch with reality and not know what is real anymore. In Cline’s Ready Player One, the state of the world shows how many people have lost …show more content…

Wade explains the OASIS and what it was, and how much people use it. ”It was the dawn of a new era, one where most of the human race now spent all of their free time in a video game” (Cline 60). Now everything can be done through the OASIS and many people do not go out into the real world and they spend all of their time online. This could be what is leading to many of the horrible problems that are happening in the world since almost everything is done through the OASIS, which does not require people to go out into the real world. After IOI tried to kill Wade he had to move somewhere else to get away from them, so he had just purchased an apartment so IOI no longer knew where he lived, “I would abandon the real world altogether until I found the egg” (Cline 166). Wade decided that he was no longer going out into the real world until he found the egg. He, like many others, was going to devote his life to the hunt. This can show how people can start to lose touch with reality over things in our world like TV shows and playstation or xbox games. Cline illustrates just how much a video game, or any piece of technology can cause someone to completely block off reality. Therefore, even though the OASIS is something that is useful, it can be used to show that technology can cause someone to completely shut off the outside