Ready Player One Literary Analysis Essay

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Literary analysis
Everybody wants an escape. Most of the time, life sucks, so people often try to find away to ignore life’s problems and set them aside for later. This is an idea that the two authors, Ernest Cline and William Yeats wrote about. Cline’s“Ready Player One”, and Yeats’s “A Dialogue Between one’s Self and Soul.”Although Ernest Cline’s novel,Ready Player One,was written in 2011, the theme of wanting to escape can be compared to William Yeats’s poem, A Dialogue Between one’s self and soul, written 8 decades earlier. Both Cline and Yeats are creating the fact that humanity is horrible and that we want to escape ourselves. However, Cline introduces the theme through the use of visual imagery of capitalism and Yeats relies on similes,metaphors,and personification. …show more content…

In Cline’s novel, he lays out at the beginning of his story that humanity is on the brink of destruction with wars, an energy crisis, and over population. People have found a way to get out of the world they live in by hoping into a virtual world.”My generation had never known a world without the OASIS.... We’d been born into an ugly world, and the OASIS was our one happy refuge.”Pg. 34. In Yeats’s story, he reminds humanity of their mistakes while humanity’s soul finds a way to escape. “If but imagination scorn the earth/ And intellect is wandering…. And claim as by a soldiers right/ A charter to commit the crime once more.”Stanza 3,5. It is revealed in his poem that the only way for humanity to escape is if we change our ways. Yeats chose this method because he knows that humans can never change no matter what. So were stuck in this dark