Real Estate Myths

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Just because you read something in the “Internet” means it’s true. Sorry to break it to you folks, but the internet also lies. One of the many myths in the internet are myths about Real Estate, and we are going to talk about 10 myths about real estate. Top 10 Myths about Real Estate according to Kyle Hiscock: All Real Estate Agents are the Same – One of the most common real estate myths is that all real estate agents are the same. This myth can lead to buyers and sellers making big mistakes when selecting a real estate agent to represent their interests. Every agent has different skills, different experience levels, and different traits. There is a significant difference between real estate agents who work with sellers and real estate agents …show more content…

Incorrectly pricing a home can be the “kiss of death.” There are several real estate pricing mistakes that sellers commonly make. One of these common pricing mistakes also happens to be a very common real estate myth as well. You Get A Better Deal When Buying a Home Through The Listing Agent – The thought process behind this myth is the listing agent will cut their commission percentage because they are receiving both “sides” of the transaction. What a buyer may not understand is that the listing agent is also still representing the seller. While they do need to be honest, fair, and ethical to all parties and certainly there are real estate professionals out there who can be trusted to represent both parties, it needs to be understood that the listing agent still has to represent the sellers best interest as well. Getting Pre-Approved Is Done After Finding Your Perfect Home – A buyer should be and want to be pre-approved for a mortgage before they house hunt. Before getting involved in a full out search for that perfect home, eliminate the chances of any disappointment down the road by getting a pre-approval from a mortgage …show more content…

Selling A Home “For Sale By Owner” Saves Lots of Money – Many sellers who attempt to sell their home FSBO believe that selling homes is easy. It would be great if selling homes was as simple as putting a for-sale sign in the front yard of a home, input the home into the MLS, and watch it sell, but it is not. Real Estate Agents Only Can Show Their Own Companies Listings – Real estate agents who belong to their local real estate board and MLS have access to any listing that is multiple listed Real Estate Agents Say And Do Anything To Make A Sale – Real estate agents are held to a very strict code of ethics and also many rules and regulations. Most real estate agents business relies heavily on referral business, word of mouth business, and repeat business. A real estate agent who blatantly lies to clients just to make a sale, is unlikely to receive any of the above mentioned business. A Home Doesn’t Need To Be Prepared For Sale – It’s very important that you don’t list your home before it’s ready. Why is it important to prepare a home for sale? First and foremost, today’s buyers are more often than not looking for a home that is move-in