Realism Vs Neorealism Analysis

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INTRODUCTION This essay aims to critically assess the pugnacious and immoral traits ascribed to realism. The essay begins with a brief introduction to the theory of realism and probes some of its main tenets; the logic of anarchy, conceptions of power and the role of morality. Weaved within each of their fabric is a comparative analysis of the notions advanced by thinkers of both realist schools; classical realism and neorealism. The essay then proceeds to illustrate criticisms of the realist thought and questions its prevalence in the twenty-first century. The essay finally concludes by reiterating the central argument of this research that realism is not an amoral and/or bellicose doctrine. DECODING THE REALIST SCHOOL OF THOUGHT The Logic of Anarchy This section will introduce the theory of realism, its key assumptions and how it is interpreted through multiple realist approaches. Realism primarily …show more content…

He defines them through the following parameters: “size of population and territory, resource endowment, economic capability, military strength, political stability and competence” (Waltz 1979: 131) .He further proposes that states can attain security through moderate and reserved policies as “the ultimate concern of states is not power but security” (Waltz 1989: 40). In sharp contrast, offensive neorealist thinkers posit that states aggressively aim to maximise power. According to Mearsheimer (2001: 448), status-quo does not exist and the “world is condemned to a perpetual great power competition”. Power maximization, according to Waltz, can “prove to be dysfunctional and can trigger a counter-balancing coalition of states” (Baylis et al. 2011: 92). Furthermore, Waltz (1979: 204), posits that a bipolar structure is most effective as the two axis maintain a “respective interest to keep the status-quo” compared to that of a multipolar system where the “potential to control is far