Reasons Why The Mexican War Was Justified In Going To War With Mexico

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There are many twists and turns about the war with the U.S. and Mexico. The first attack occurred North of Rio Grande. The United States army and Captain Seth Thornton’s 70 soldiers were attacked by the Mexican force. Catholic means anti-slavery. Protestant means pro-slavery. Manifest destiny is when people believe in god’s plan to extend the U.S. The United States was justified in going to war with Mexico because God’s plan was to extend the U.S., Texas had already gotten its independence, and the Mexican army attacked the Americans first. One reason the Mexican War was justified in going to war because it was a god given destiny to extend the United States. “Limiting our greatness and checking the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread continent allotted by providence [God]..,” (O’Sullivan 323) This quote shows the Americans need to fulfill their manifest destiny to overspread the continent. ”[God] for the free …show more content…

“On April 25, 1846, captain Seth Thornton of the United States army and his 70 soldiers were attacked by a much larger Mexican force. (hook exercise 315) The captain and his army were attacked. “The incident occurred in the disputed territory north of the Rio Grande and reports suggest 16 Americans were killed. The attack occurred where Texas and the United States believed the border between Mexico and Texas was. After Texas became part of the US and also trying to buy California, Mexican soldiers fired upon the Americans. While the Americans were trying to extend the US, Mexican army decided to attack Americans. Mexican army attacked on the Texas side of Rio Grande. The Mexicans attacked on the US territory Texas had already gotten its independence in 1836. This war was in 1846. This evidence shows the US was justified in going to war because the Americans just want to protect themselves. In conclusion, the American army should go to war with