Though we still have a lot of work ahead of us to prevent and end homelessness in our region, Houston has continued to take the initiative in addressing homelessness over the past few years. As indicated by the most current report from the U.S. Branch of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in the Houston region, there are around 6,000 homeless people living on the streets on any given night. While circumstances certainly vary, studies have shown that the fundamental cause of homelessness is the widening housing affordability gap, which ultimately contributes to the inability to acquire or even maintain a house. Unfortunately, a problem of this scale has attracted a great amount of attention and as housing affordability has worsened, government …show more content…
Another is to ensure that formerly homeless families and individuals can maintain housing stability. Many of the most successful housing policies intended to address the homelessness crisis were established in New York City and have been imitated across the nation. Numerous research studies have dependably confirmed that long-term housing assistance not only successfully reduces homelessness, but also is also less expensive than other institutional care. To address Houston’s housing affordability gap, the Federal, State and City governments must significantly increase investments in affordable rental housing, with a significant portion targeted to aid homeless families and …show more content…
One successful approach involves eviction-prevention grants to help tenants at risk of becoming homeless pay back rent and remain in their apartmentsProviding financial assistance for rental arrears helps potentially homeless families stay in their apartments. Another successful approach to homelessness prevention involves legal services for low-income tenants in housing court. Programs that provide legal representation in housing court for low-income tenants facing eviction have proven to be successful and cost-effective. Most tenants assisted by these legal services programs are able to remain in their homes and avoid the costly shelter system. Prevention also involves policies and programs that help vulnerable people fall through the cracks of government bureaucracies. For example, effective discharge planning that includes housing assistance can help youth who are aging out of foster care, or low-income people living with mental illness who are leaving hospitals, or people exiting correction institutions, avoid homelessness.Once they’ve left homelessness for permanent housing, many formerly homeless families and individuals can benefit from support services to help maintain housing stability. This can include services like job training, child care and community-based counseling