Reed Vs California Court Case Analysis

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Name of case: Reed v. King Court: California Court of Appeals Citation: 193 Cal. RPTR. 130 (1983) Parties & their roles: Dorris Reed (Plaintiff/petitioner); Robert King (Respondent/defendant) Facts: Dorris Reed purchased a home from Robert King; Mrs. Reed paid $76,000 for this property. Mrs. Reed found out from her neighbors once she had moved in, that Mr. King failed to disclose that ten years earlier a mother and her four children had been murdered in the home. She also learned the house carried a stigma due to its history, which causes appraisers to evaluate the true worth of the home to be $65,000. Mrs. Reed filed suit against Mr. King on the basis of misrepresentation and asked for rescission and damages (Jennings, 2010). Issues: Should