Reflective Essay On Family Work

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I feel that this class has changed my whole perception of what family work is, the importance of not getting caught up in the content and focussing on the process of identifying strengths that the family has which can be used to perpetuate ongoing homeostasis. This course also highlighted for me how much more I still need to learn about supporting the family system. I have been working with families for about 10 years, mostly with supporting positive parenting and also with families who have children and youth experiencing mental health concerns. I feel that my process orientated interactions have been effective for my gathering of information but not necessarily helpful for the long-term healthy coping of the family. By watching you, listening to your teachings and participating and observing role plays I feel that these experiences have led to not only practical knowledge but a new perspective of the importance of stepping back and trying to walk in the client’s shoes. I wish now, looking back that I had this course before going to work as an investigator for child and family services. The process of uncovering the healthy behaviours of the family …show more content…

I seem to be able to do that with individuals yet that has not yet translated over to working with family systems as a whole with unique characteristics, coping, norms and values. By allowing a family to focus on the process there is naturally defined goals and behaviours that can be used to make change for long-term managing of family conflict. By coming from a place of enquiring and controlling the process of uncovering the family process, as a worker, I can assist the family to identify their own individual diverse strengths without the influence of my own past judgements and