
Reflection Of A Positive Character In National Honor Society

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Character resembles who a person is. An individual who represents a positive character resembles a positive ethics as well as work behavior. Character should not be based off where a person comes from or how they look, but rather by they actions. Actions make a person. Therefor, actions create character. All members of National Honor Society should have a good character, as I believe I do. Character is very important to me. A person who makes actions that will benefit not only themselves, but others resembles a positive character. Character defines who you are. There is something that was created by the “Character Counts!” organization; in them are the six pillars of positive character. An individual that resembles positive character should …show more content…

I know I have a positive character because I do constantly strive to help and be involved. I resemble trustworthiness because I am reliable, honest, and faithful. Many will come to me for help and I will give them help with opened arms. I am trusted to do little things such as taking care of my siblings or riding the bus, but I am also trusted to do bigger things such as staying focused on all tasks I am given. Not only do others trust me, but I trust myself which not many can say. I also resemble the pillar of respect, I am very accepting of all point of views. I make sure to never judge because somethings and people are much more than we know of. I am also responsible, I own up to my mistakes, set a good example, and am diligent. If I am ever in the wrong I am sure to apologize for that mistake, by doing this I exemplify what others should strive to do. I am also very fair, I make sure to be open-minded, never take advantage of people, and to share. Being caring is something I am confident that I exhibit. I am compassionate, forgiving, and I am always helping others in need. I have even been told that I am too caring but it is important to do things that benefit not only yourself, but others. Lastly, I am a good citizen, I respect authority, obey laws, participate in the community, and stay informed. Exhibiting these and many other traits, share the reasons why I am an individual who holds a positive

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