
Examples Of Character Traits That Can Change The World

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Some Character Traits that can Change the World How do you think some character traits can change the world? I think that you should be nice, don't judge, and have kindness would change the world a lot because we need all people to be nice, kind, and don't judge. Some people disagree, but I disagree with them. Some character traits that can change the world are being nice, don't judge, and have kindness. First, some characters traits that can change the world are being nice. According to the story, "We stand and march for love!" Yolanda shouted into the microphone. The audience roared and clapped." First, when you love everyone equally you're nice and don't judge people for the way that they look. Next, you should be nice to everyone and treat people fair that can really change the world. I'm nice to people and don't judge by looks. Further more, if you have something mean to say or you're going to do something that you know will hurt someone else don't say or do it. So as you can see, some character traits that can change the world are being nice. …show more content…

According to Dr.king is my grandpa, ''They were people all ages and races and backgrounds, from every corner of the country. But they were all there for the same reason--to demand equality for black Americans." First, if we stop judging people by looks and treat other people equal then that will change the world. Next, it doesn't matter how someone looks we all look different and we're equal so don't treat someone different because they don't look like a lot of people. Further more,their human and have feelings just like all of us. We should never judge someone for their looks they are just like us, human. So as you can see, some characters traits that can change the world are not

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