Synchronous Lesson

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WEAVING: Florencia Ramos

"Synchronous online classes are those that require students and instructors to be online at the same time. Lectures, discussions, and presentations occur at a specific hour. All students must be online at that specific hour in order to participate." ( See more at:


Adriana Bermúdez stated that synchronous sessions are "useful in facilitating brainstorming and whiteboarding sessions".

Bonds, rapport, support.

Adriana Bermudez commented that synchronous sessions "strengthen the online presence and foster a sense of community, making the learning environment more effective". Florencia Colombi agrees too and alleges that "the first contact should be guided by the moderator, as it would be a good opportunity to clear any doubt and provide assistance if needed". Likewise, Maria Laura Dutra believes that they are "a great technique for building rapport". Maria Mendionde and Alicia Bustos coincide with her. Also, Maria Laura Dutra thinks that "it is an essential step to start creating bonds in all online courses". She finds it "really important to add a photograph to the profile but if that face can talk, …show more content…

One at the beginning, to break the ice, get in touch with the other participants and the moderator and start bonding with them. This would make it easier to establish rapport. This way, the participants would feel more at ease when it comes to sharing in the forum and this would help to start building the online community faster and stronger. It is also useful to set up goals and check prior knowledge of the platform. A second session could be useful to check the course ongoing and suitable development. And finally, a third session, to round up, clear ideas and give