Reflection Of Organizational Behavior

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Human behavior has always perplexed mankind and I geared myself to understand the nuances of it through Organizational Behavior sessions. Organizational Behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how the individuals and groups behave or act in the organizations. Sessions 1 & 2: Personality – Understanding Self and Others Our first session started with 70- item questionnaire - Appreciating Differences. In this session we discussed about personality and understanding self and others. Personality is derived from the Latin word “persona” which means ‘mask’. Personality is a social interaction in group life. In our society each individual or person has different traits or characteristics like color, height, weight, attitude, habits, …show more content…

In this session we had an exercise that to identify a picture, read a text and a movie – The eye view of beholder where we can understand different perceptions on that picture, paragraph/text, movie from different individuals where we can understand or analyze the perceiver characteristics. The target of this perceptual process is that to know the factors related to stimuli like - intensity, size, novelty, repetition, motion, status, contrast, familiarity etc. and some of the perceiver characteristics like- interests and skills, attitudes and values, needs and motives, past experiences, moods or psychological states and personality. An important concept that overwhelming my imagination was the Pygmalion effect. It is the one of the concepts where we can understand the higher (leaders) expectations lead to an increase in the (subordinates) performance. It explains that by raising my expectation on others, I can raise their performance and this framework can be applied in managing my students in class and the subordinates at the work place. I studied some perceptual factors and biases like- Projection, Preoccupation, Stereotyping – Ex: Faculty Development Programme – I noticed that in this there are individuals from different regions like east, west, south and north having different cultures and attitudes participated and formed racial stereotypes – Tamil , …show more content…

From this case I understood that working in groups has become imperative in all walks of life whether personal or professional. The Skylab case presented a scenario where a group went on strike and stopped the work. This shows that one just cannot pressurize people working in groups who are more cohesive. In fact the managers need to understand the problems and difficulties of others too. As an employee it becomes my duty to explain in a humble to my top authorities about the excessive work burden which is sometimes burdened on us without looking at our plight. As a human being I should be sympathetic to other people. Arm twisting techniques cannot be applied in all