Critical Elements Of Organizational Behavior

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Organizational behavior and leadership are pivotal issues to any company or organization. They are requisite and interdependent in goal attainment of any company (Dubrin, 2013). Leadership according to Phillips and Gulley (2013) is the activity of directing people in an organization towards realizing set objectives. More importantly, leadership calls for comprehension of human behavior within the organizational setting. Leaders in organizations provide leadership by shaping employee behaviors in a number of ways such as through building team spirit, setting a well-defined vision and motivating coupled with guiding employees. Organizational behavior is defined as the examination and application of understanding on how people and individuals along with groups behave in organizations. In other words, it defines people-organization relationship in relation to the whole individual, whole team, entire organization, and entire social system. Its intent is to shape relationships in a positive way by realizing social goals and human objectives along with organizational goals (Yukl et al. 2013).
The mystery behind leadership makes it not only one of the most widely discussed and studied topic, but also a sought after aspect of organizational behavior. (Harms & Crede, 2010) state that organizations today …show more content…

Orginsations require robust leadership for outstanding effectiveness. Leadership, as we understand, is a feature which is inborn and acquired. organisaytional leadership concerns human behaviour and expert strategies. It focuses on growing leadership potentials and skills that are applicable acrosss the organisations. It implies the potential for employees to handle challenging situations in the industry and still develop during those times. It certainly identifies and sets apart leaders from the managers (Dubrin,