Reflection On Occupational Therapy

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What new knowledge and/or skills did you learn during this rotation? In what ways has this learning changed your perspective on this particular field/career? During my rotation with an Occupational Therapist, I learned about different disorders. I had a patient who can’t do anything on her own. During the OT session we work on her basic motor planning and grip strength. We try to get her to use a griper and spell out three letter words. My other patient has ADHD, we work on his handwriting and other basic skills with him. This changed my whole perspective on Occupational Therapy. I thought OT was exactly like PT. I learned that OT is used to gain basic function and work on the mind, while PT works more with strength and the body to gain normal or improved function.

What specific knowledge or skills have you learned in high school that you could immediately apply to this rotation? I haven’t really learned about anything at …show more content…

I found that this field was very unappealing to me, we did the same activities each time I was there for 12 weeks. I would not be able to do that for years. If we changed up things every week like how PTs do different exercises every time. This was just the same thing over and over. I don’t know if I could do the same things for years with the same kids, I would have to change it up but it would be impossible because they all come there to work on specific things and once they are to a standard they are sone.. I like change, I don’t like too much at a time, but everything can’t be constant.
What was your biggest take-away from this rotation? I realized that I don 't want to pursue a education in Occupational Therapy. I need to find another major I want to go into. I like the work that they do, but I don 't think I would be able to do it with passion my whole life.

Is there anything concerning the internship that you would like to discuss?