Social Work Reflection Paper

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SOWK1000: Social Work and Social Welfare Reflection 2 As a profession, social work is concerned with the wellbeing of vulnerable and marginalized populations, such as people in poverty, women, people of color, and LGBTQ peoples. If you were to become a professional social worker, what specific populations would you want to work with or advocate for? Why? What specific problems that they face would you want to address? How might you address them? Some jobs are really tough to handle, that means sleepless nights, shower thoughts and so forth. In our chapter one notes it states that, Social Workers deal with our societal problems. Social workers are the silent unheard voice in our society. They are the ones who try and piece everything back together. I have always been a person to try and resolve any issue that is sent my way. If I was a professional social worker, I …show more content…

That includes police brutality, death, accusations, and the segregated areas. Like Omaha for example, we often consider north of the ghetto, the South O the Mexicans and the West O the wealthy people. Although there isn’t much I could really do, I would really like to fix human rights. I hate how everyone’s so segregated and racist. We passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, to end that. I would like use the Political and Social Action, so I can have a conference with the public about the issues that need to be discussed. To sum it up, we don’t really put ourselves in other people’s shoes. There are people out there who don’t even want to live another day because of the things going on in our world. No one deserves to be treated like that. Social Workers have one tough job, especially since not everyone can come up with an agreement. If I was a Social Worker, I’d work with the people in poverty and color, and the LGBTQIA community to fight for their rights, so they can feel welcomed and loved like the rest of

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