Essay On The Importance Of Assessment

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While stepping into a new position I can better observe, analyze and critique my ways of teaching in the past. When I was nineteen years old I barely understood the importance of assessment. I considered the assessing process part of my school requirements and more paper work. For years, I blamed the system for not providing a good evaluation (a term used in Ecuador) system. I felt frustrated mostly because I could picture myself in (what?) them. When I was a high school student, I spent hours studying to pass exams (but was little involved in my own learning.) Explain please. When I became a teacher I wanted to change the feeling I had when I was in school.from my past experiences. I wanted my students to remember my classes and apply the lessons they learned in real life. I was eager to teach, but as a young woman, in her first year of college, did not know how. In college Of course college gave I learned me some guidance in …show more content…

At this level, students were using literature terms in a more abstract way. Students are now exploring these literature terms from his own experiences. I love when teachers encourage students to find connections between content and real life. I am sure they spend time formulating their originals, but also enjoy to put their ideas on a paper. This activity reaches the third Quadrant according to Rigor and Relevance Framework due to the number of skills involved. Similarly it reaches level four in the DOK framework since analyzing and applying are categorized in this level. After that the teacher gave a practice test that contained two sections: multiple choices and synthesizing. At the beginning I questioned the synthesizing part, because it was only one week since he introduced these topics, but after discussing this with him I understand he wanted to use that data to find out at what level of synthesizing students