Should Teachers Be Paid More

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“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops” states Henry Brooks Adams, a historian, educator, and author. In today’s society, teachers are undervalued and underappreciated for the huge part that they play in a child, teenager, and adult’s life. Teachers should be paid more because they contribute more to the future of the world than any other career, help students psychologically and financially, and most students in a survey chose that teachers need to be paid more than their annual salary. Teachers contribute more to the future of the world than any other career. They teach students social and intellectual skills needed to be an effective member of society. They put students together in a group to teach them …show more content…

The survey asked students to choose how much an average teacher should make per year and gave some choices that were higher than an average teacher’s annual salary and lower than their annual salary. The result was that 100 percent of the students chose a salary that was more than an average teacher’s salary. When asked why they chose $60,000, one of the surveyed students said, “Because they do so much work to try to make the students ready for the future and work 8 hours a day.” Teachers are always trying to prepare students for the future since they want their students to have a good career. Another student said, “They do a lot for their students.” Teachers work very hard to make sure that the students understand what they are learning. “Teachers work hard to make sure that the students have a better future,” said a student who chose that the teachers should be paid $65,000 annually. Teachers encourage their students to do classwork and homework so that the students can get good grades, which would help them get into good colleges. In today 's society, teachers are seen as lazy people who always sit behind their desk and give their students bunch of paperwork. They just make their students watch a movie the whole period instead of teaching them. There are some bad teachers in the world, but there are less bad teachers than good teachers. The world has both good people and bad people, so it 's only natural that there are some bad teachers as well as good