Marc Sternberg Analysis

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Speaker: The speaker of the article is Marc Sternberg, a former principal and the current director for the K-12 education for the Walter Family Foundation. He is a credible source because he has worked in the education system before and has turned a school with a 34% graduation rate to an 86% graduation rate due to him hiring exceptional teachers.
Occasion: Marc Sternberg is addressing this topic because of the mayor’s recent decision to employ bad teachers. This is revealed in the beginning of the article. He is frustrated because he is a former principal and knows the effect of an exceptional teacher on the students. He even cites a study that says that if a student has superb teacher for even one year, they will most likely attend college and make more money than their peers. He is concerned for the students and principals that will be forced to but up with …show more content…

One such example is from when he was selected to be founding principal for the Bronx Lab School. The previous school, Evander Childs High School, had a 34% graduation rate and the people felt unsafe. While he admits to making mistakes, he realized the importance of a teacher and he hired a staff of exceptional and hard-working ones. With those teachers the school had a 86% graduation rate, 350 college acceptances, and $2.5 million in financial aid. This example from his life shows the importance of a teacher and strengthens his argument. Another example would be Public School 6 in Manhattan in which 80% of the staff was replaced and became one of the best in the city. The last example given is the student who gets a really good teacher for one year. That student will perform better and get better pay than those students with mediocre teachers. This hammers in the importance of a teacher and the effect it has on a student’s performance. Anecdotes are used throughout the article to strengthen Marc’s