Reflective Essay

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As seen in tutorial one, is it your responsibility, as a professional, to provide a prevention/wellness service to your community? Why or why not?

I believe as a health care professional I am responsible for providing prevention/wellness service to my community both in my workplace and out to the general public.

(American Physical Therapy Association, 2003, p 2) stated, physical therapists play a unique role in society in prevention, wellness, health promotion, and disease management by serving as a dynamic bridge between health and health care for both individuals and broader populations.

Also, (McVay, n.d.) indicated, prevention and wellness are part of our physical therapy practice.

As a physical therapist in my professional community, I have been collaborating with the nurse educator to cultivate and teach information to the registered nurses (RNs) and certified nursing assistants (CNAs) …show more content…

Most of the hands-on training happens in the simulation lab and at the patient’s bedside. With this in mind, I have to re-iterate the importance of breaking bad habits of unhealthy movements during patient care. (Fair, 2011, p. 4) indicated that only will you achieve wellness if you possess the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains. As the RN/CNAs understand and grasp the concept of what I am teaching them in reference to the 3 domains I mentioned previously, they can eventually coach other RN/CNAs on the safe techniques of patient handling to prevent injuries, In other words, "it is the gift that keeps on giving". Sharing your knowledge with your professional community is an important facet of physical therapy. (Higgs, Hunt, & Higgs, 1999, p. 22) Explained that we should strive for a greater level of collaboration, to enhance communication and to share ideas and