Reflective Essay About My Writing

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After a semester of FYW, I realized that my writing gets better the more I write. In FYW we had papers and writing exercises that allowed my writing to improve. A big help also was The Field Guide to Writing, which allowed me to see examples of good writing, taught me how to write correctly, and was a source of great information for writing. Coming into this class I wrote a lot of music which helped my writing as well but it was not formal writing so the transition to scholarly writing was hard because I looked over a lot of mistakes when writing papers for school. Due to FYW and the help of my class mates peer evaluations helped me overcome that issue. I started to read my essays and pick up on silly errors I could not identify before and that their helped my writing a lot.
In recent research papers, I always had a rough time with gathering a lot of information and putting it into a concise clear essay. During the process of the research paper in FYW I felt that I got much better with putting information together to make the essay flow the way it was supposed to. Especially …show more content…

I saw my potential even more during the process of writing an evaluation on a movie of my choice. At this point in the semester my writing started to improve. I noticed myself being able to write down what exactly was in my head and making my point very clear. Although I do not feel I am where I should be still, writing the movie evaluation showed me that I grew within a short period of time as far as writing. I feel that every topic I touched on in that paper made much sense and had very clear supporting details to go with it. I never usually feel strong about an essay the way I did after I handed in the movie evaluation and that all came from practice and improvement throughout the semester. My sentence structure was strong improving making my thoughts clear and my grammar was becoming stronger the more I read and