Reflective Essay On Veterinary Technician

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Reflective Essay Veterinary technicians are behind the scene super heroes; working on the PREP Project was able to show me that. The PREP Project taught me that being a veterinary technician is not easy work. It takes long hours of dedication to be able to do all that they do. I always longed to be a dentist when I was little and when I started high school, I wanted to be a marine biologist. During my junior year of high school, I changed my mind on what I wanted to go to school for. Being a veterinary technician is an exciting job, you are always on your feet doing something, whether it being giving routine shots or assisting during a surgery. I chose to do my PREP Project on veterinary technology so that I was able to get an inside look into what I wanted to pursue, to make sure that it was the right choice for me. In May of 2015, I called the Beckwith Veterinary Hospital in Modesto, California and asked them if any of their veterinary technicians would be able to be my mentor. They told me to call Lori Rivera. After talking to her about the project, she was more than happy to be my mentor. I did my hours over a four day period, working four hours each day. My mom or dad would drop me off at the hospital at eight in the morning and then would pick me up at twelve noon. During those four hours each day, I would follow Lori …show more content…

I had her as my mentor because the receptionist of Beckwith Veterinary Hospital suggested that she would be the best fit person to be my mentor. Lori taught me more than she needed too during those four days. Besides giving me information on what it is like to be a veterinary technician, she also recommended schools for me to attend to get my degree in veterinary technology. Having an internship or volunteering at an animal hospital was going to be the best way for me to land a job at a hospital, Lori told me. With her help, I found a college to attend to earn my AS degree in veterinary

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