Reflective Essay: The Courts Right Offed The Bat

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This week’s reading was on “The Courts” right offed the bat I questioned, what about the courts will I learn about? At the beginning of the reading it gave a short little story which was about assault I questioned in what cased does a person present themselves and to whom do they do it too? Then shortly after asking that question to myself I found my answer in the reading which said, “In a felony case a defendant has the option of having a case tried by a judge or jury”. This was helpful because I were never sure how exactly some cases worked. In the chapter it broke down and explained what, Prosecution, defense, judge, and jury was, it went through and gave exampled on what each thing was which was nice to have a definition of what each thing was along with having an example. Along with each main topic it broke each one down even more, each main topic went further in …show more content…

The next thing I learned about was what the judge decided on when it comes to issues of the law. I was to learn a lot from the reading because there were lots of examples throughout the reading which was extremely helpful. Another part of the reading for week nine/ten was a PowerPoint on "The Police". The PowerPoint broke down and explained briefly what; Law Enforcement Agencies, Patrol Functions, Investigations, Crime Technology, Community Relations.
The PowerPoint didn't give paragraphs, but it gave enough information to understand the topic enough.
After the readings for module five there was an interactive thing that I got to do. In the interact part it was on “Introduction to Criminal Justice the Courts”. I learned about the role and how the selection of a jury works, even though I learned a little bit in the book I really got to understand it more and answer questions which helped me learn more about the jury and the process of how it all works. One knew thing I learned for example from the interact was that “criminal cases are heard by