Reflective Practice In Education Essay

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A reflective practitioner is hence always aware of his / her emotional state and also deliberates upon it from time to time to get better results. Let us take an example here.
A teacher having taught the children independence day with traditional chalk-board or lecture method may reflect upon later and feel it would have been better if s/he used some other innovative method to teach such a topic of emotional connect for Indians and this dissatisfaction leads her /him to re-teach the lesson through arranging for a movie on freedom straggle for the kids (to make learning joyful and more fun). Here the teacher has clearly reflected upon the choice of methods based on her own felt and observed emotions and feelings. Thus being reflective practitioners …show more content…

The biggest benefit is that it leads to real transformative learning and not just informative. It leads to the stakeholders taking initiatives for improvement, develop their professional identity and improve their level of commitment towards work and values and also it helps on enhancing tacit knowledge. Since reflection also involves feedback component, it has the advantage of letting the forces of social interaction play in and lead to more collaborative and sharing environment of …show more content…

Hence the teacher often feels scared to practice reflection in his/her practice as it requires freedom, time and space on his part. Apart from fear of judgment, other psychological factors such as mindsets, lack of motivation or desire to improve, laziness, lack of interest, professional rivalries, lack of critical thinking and courage to question underlying assumptions, etc all hinder the facilitation of reflective