Comparing Christianity And Reincarnation In Hinduism

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Reincarnation in Hinduism When comparing Hinduism and Catholicism, it is revealed that the two are very different. Catholic’s believe that when people die, they will pass on to either heaven, hell, or purgatory. People of the Hindu faith believe in reincarnation. They believe that once a person dies, the soul will return new body to continue its journey to enlightenment. Whether it’s a cat, fly, divine figure, or a human, a new lesson will be learned through each body and experiences. It is believed that a person’s soul will learn and experience new things throughout each cycle. The cycle a soul passes through is called “Samsara.” This cycle is not limited to just humans. A person’s soul can be reincarnated as anything that “lives.” …show more content…

It is believed that a soul will be reborn into many different bodies until it is perfect enough to reunite with the powerful source. A person’s soul will pass through many bodies and experience many births and deaths. Once the cycle of samsara begins, each soul is drawn into a false personality called a “jiva.” A jiva is an embodied self, elemental self, and a “living being.” It is o known as an embodied self or elemental self. It has an inner subtle body and an outer gross body. The soul becomes encased in the inner subtle body. The subtle body is made up of the subtle senses, subtle mind, breath, ego, and intelligence. The gross body is made up of an animal mind, the elemental body, and its organs. It is believed that their god made them opposite of him. Their god made them imperfect so they can learn and grow. They were made that way so they can have desires and wishes. If everyone was like god then their would be no purpose to living. They believe that their god is living everywhere in creation. He is there to tempt them and test them everyday so they learn their lessons. Each jiva has human needs such as attachment and knowledge. Each jiva is ignorant because of its ego-sense. It experiences delusion, attraction, duality, and aversion. Jiva’s are selfish and could eventually end up suffering. They body is a prison for the jiva or soul. Each jiva has to struggle, go through tragedy, …show more content…

The soul will stay in heaven or hell until they fully learn their new lessons for their new birth and to love their next life. heavens are described as “sun filled” with gods, immortals, and souls. The hells are described as “dark and demonic”. The hells are filled with demons and evil souls who only want to disrupt the world and cause tragedy. Souls enter the heavens or hells based on how they acted in their former life as a gift or consequence. They would learn their lessons in the immortal world and then continue on to their next life. It is believed that you stay in the heavens s longer then the hells but it still is only till you learn the rest of your lessons. They enjoy their pleasurable time in heaven, then fall back down to the earth by rain into the ocean of births and deaths. It is believed that a woman conceives by eating a plant that water from the oceans of births and deaths has entered. A soul can be birthed from an animal or wait to be eaten by a human. If eaten by a male, the soul will enter a women through

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