Relaeonship With A Local Cosmetology School

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PromoEng a posiEve image and forming lasEng, business relaEonships is part of having a successful salon and spa. Having an effecEve way to build public relaEons can mean the difference in geJng noEced as a business or not geJng noEced at all. It’s important to form relaEonships, especially with the local cosmetology schools. As a salon owner, having a relaEonship with the local cosmetology schools can be very posiEve and yield great results for the business’s public relaEons. By simply visiEng the schools, teaching speciality classes at the schools, offering discounts to teachers and students, and parEcipaEng in job fairs, efforts to increase public relaEons with the school can cause the business of the salon owner to flourish. VisiEng the …show more content…

By forming relaEonships with the instructors, the owner can gain valuable knowledge about the students. The owner and the instructor can discuss the current trends and the current regulaEons set by the state. It also gives the salon owner an insight on what the students are learning in class. If the salon owner is looking for new employees, the relaEonship that the owner has with the instructor can cause the owner to find new talent. By visiEng the school, the owner can also have the ability to meet the students and to get the salon noEced. Some students may not know where they would like to work, but because the owner made their presence known, the students will now be interested in the culture of the salon. Teaching speciality classes can be great for public relaEons. This gives the owner …show more content…

Offering discounts to teachers and students can also be beneficial for public relaEons. Everyone loves discounts. This will give the students and the teachers an excuse to visit your salon. When they visit the salon, they will be able to tour the salon, see how the salon operates, the professionalism of the salon, they will get a feel of what the salon specializes in, and the cleanliness of the salon. Students who visit will also be able to see what it would be like to work in the salon. They will also be able to ask any quesEons that they may have. Having a referral program is another good idea that will enEce students and instructors to tell their friends and family about the salon. ParEcipaEng in job fairs can have a posiEve effect on the relaEonship between the salon owner and the school. Job fairs create awareness of the school and brings employers to the students. Having enough employers parEcipate in the job fair helps to make it a success. The salon and the school can help each other to accomplish each other’s goals and work on future projects together. AZending job fairs can also help form relaEonships with other businesses