Cosmetology Application Essay

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Being a salon owner brings out attention of the public within a community itself to guide them towards local friendly businesses and to what suits everyone’s beauty needs. Therefor I am in a position of trustful upbringing within the community to continue feeding great stylist to attend to their needs. With the cosmetology school nearby, I can lend a hand in preparing them for a career all while spreading an increased growth through public relations. There are great rewards from clients in loyalty in devoting generous hands into what started me in the industry I love so dearly.
First, out of the many ways a student can prepare him or herself for the cosmetology industry is to go ahead and put themselves within a public setting and to get their hands into what their future will be, literally. While in cosmetology school, you are in a group of people which started the same semester as you and other than potential clients, they are your social group for your time in school. When you work in a salon though, many strangers walk through the door or call the salon and many new stylists don’t feel prepared socially to understand what the potential client needs. That is why I open my doors to current students as receptionist and as assistants within my salon to practice social skills with the public. It not …show more content…

Salons are usually placed on “main street” within an area to attract clients. With that asset, we can tell clients and post signs of those who are out exploring to attend whatever event the community is hosting. Our clients are the reasons we succeed in this industry, so we’d like to keep our community thriving and growing outside of the salon too. We get more of a relationship with clients through events as such other than just sitting in our chair. It makes us stand out as a caring stylist and salon whom the people can

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