Relationship Between Traditional Authority And Local Government Authority

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In response to question on their relationship with the local government authority, a divisional chief aptly expressed a very cordial one. He indicated that chiefs lack the requisite resources to meet the development needs of their people; however, the district assembly on the other hand hold the public purse. So chiefs are bound to work cordially with them in order to get any development projects in the area. The views expressed by the local government officials generally showed that, the Assembly is expected to works cordially with the LTLs because they see themselves as partners and perhaps have the same goal of bringing development to the local people. Figure 4.4 shows that 77 % of the respondents were of the view that the nature of the relationship between the traditional authorities and the local government authority were either very cordial, cordial or fairly cordial. The reasons assigned for these responses include constant consultation in settling disputes, enacting and enforcing bye-laws. A respondent indicated that “the district assembly cannot collect revenue effectively without the help of the chiefs in the villages. Chiefs provide communal labour to some government projects. Therefore, they both work together cordially for a mutual benefit of seeking the welfare of the people”. Fourteen percent (14%) of respondents indicated that there is no cordial relationship between them. This is because the decisions on development projects in the district are taken only