Relevance Of The Word Hero In The Article In The Time

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The Article in the Time written by someone unknown looks into the meaning and relevance of the word ‘Hero’. This article goes into depth about various aspects of the word hero such as its history, how the word progressed over time, usage of the word now a days and the writers personal takes on the word. The writer begins in both ancient Greek and Roman times with heroes such as Achilles, Horatius and Pizarro. All of these figures were known as rare extraordinary figures that were described as taller, stronger, and louder than your average person during those times. The writer then draws a line between these classical heroes and a captain that commanded one of the many segments in the army. While drawing a comparison the writer also shows a contrast that the commander was one of many doing the same act while the classical hero was just one in a million. In this introduction the writer puts in his first opinion on the matter of the word hero by …show more content…

The main reason that these protagonists in these mythical stories wouldn’t be believable is due to modern communication. And with this modern communication it also breaks down the whole notion of athletes being praised as heroes. The writer claims that society sees these athletes of the past as traditional heroes with no faults, meanwhile modern athletes are seen as “parfit knights” due to their lives being more public and commercialism of their lives. While the word hero isn’t being used often to describe athletes, the writer discusses the down fall of the word hero and where ‘hero’ started losing its power. It began with Copernicus and Galileo’s discovery that the universe was not the center of the world. From that discovery a chain reaction began ending with Marx’s idea that man is just a pawn of