Linton Weeks Protecting The Word Hero Analysis

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National correspondent, Linton Weeks, in his essay, “Heroic Acts to Protect the word Hero”, Argues how the word hero has lost its meaning due to its overuse. Weeks’ purpose is to show how overused, and dismissed the word hero is. He creates a rational argument to prove his view to the reader that the widespread use of the term hero has gotten out of hand. While a majority of people have adapted to the current use for the definition of hero, Weeks makes some unignorable statements that support his claim of “hero” being over used.

Weeks gives large amounts of credibility to himself through his use of some large names, and quotes by them. When US Airways pilot Chesley Sullenberger “Sully”
Is asked about whether he thinks he deserves the title …show more content…

When the term “hero” is brought all the way back to its latin root it translates into meaning a god like or sentient being. Most of the people labeled with “hero” aren 't any larger than life people, but just the ones who took a more noble path. Knowing right from wrong shouldn 't define a hero; it should used to describe larger than life people who go out of there way to selflessly help others unconditionally.

While Weeks doesn’t convey the use of pathos well, there are still some minor examples that help prove to you that you are misusing the word hero. The example that probably hit home with most people is the Michael Vick storey. People tend to hold Vick on a pedestal for being an example of how the prison system works well; after all vick was able to briefly resume his career of being an NFL quarterback after coming out of prison. While admiring Vick for overcoming the obstacle isn’t bad, labeling him a hero is wrong. He did some terrible things and paid the price for it.

While Weeks argument may not be perfect he still brings up some things that you have to think about. He uses big names that agree with his statement. He strengthens his argument with pure logic, and in the end shows how bad people unrightfully get a very positive tag. Weeks wise words hold value throughout, and his reasoning can not be