Religion In Brazil Essay

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History and Religion in Brazil Brazil was discovered in 1500, by the Portuguese under the command of Pedro Alvarez Cabral, then became independent in 1822. In 1889 Brazil declares itself as a Republic, pompously. The country is separated into twenty-seven states; Acre, Alagoas, Amapa, Amazonas, Bahia, Ceara, Distrito Federal, Espirito Santo, Goias, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Para, Paraiba, Parana, Pernambuco, Piaui, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul, Rondonia, Roraima, Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo, Sergipe, and Tocantins.
In 1888, Brazil abolished slavery, which was a huge step for them. In 1917, Brazil was among the Allied countries that declared war on Germany in the First World War. In 1942, Brazil declared war on Germany, Italy, and Japan (also known as the Axis). In 1945 Brazil became a member of the United Nations Organization (UN). In 1946 Brazil drafted a new constitution which reinstated the rights of …show more content…

Those problems are poverty, infant mortality, crime, and lack of education. Ten percent of the richest people in Brazil has over forty percent of the nation’s income. Ten percent of the poorest people of Brazil has one percent of the nation’s income. The most common crime in Brazil is mugging, robbing, kidnapping, and gang violence. There are also issues with law enforcements divisions, corruptions and violence being aimed at the police. Brazilian children do not have access to free education at any educational level, whether it being primary or secondary. The wealthier parts of Brazil have better schools than the poor parts of Brazil. Poor families usually have their children start working as soon as they can, to bring home some bacon. The fact poorer families send their children out to work they’re breaking child labor laws. The infant mortality rates factor in sanitation, education, and financial incomes, which fluctuates how much infant morality increases or

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