Religion In Early Civilizations

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Religion in Early Civilizations
Religion has always been a source of comfort and understanding for human-beings. Human-beings have put their faith into their religions. Some early civilizations had many gods and they each worshipped them in different ways. While these early civilizations had many, the Hebrew nation had one, God. The Hebrew was devoted to God and it started with their father and founder, Abraham, who changed his polytheistic ways to focus only on God. Throughout history people have put their faith in many different things and it has affected them in individual ways; they have divided their faith between their gods, changed their faith, and devoted the faith.
Many early civilizations had different religions and gods; some examples of polytheistic civilizations were the Egyptians, Chinese, and Greeks, and their gods affected their culture. The ancient Egyptians had many gods and goddesses and they affected their leadership and culture. Some of their gods were Ra, Osiris, and Isis, and they each had different …show more content…

They believed God created and sustained the earth and everything in it. God chose them to produce the one who would save us from our sin caused by the disobedience of Adam and Eve. God promised to send a man to give His people salvation. His did this by choosing Abraham to father this nation. Abraham left his father’s idol worshipping household to go to the land of Canaan and God promised to make him a great nation. That nation became Israel. When the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, God saved them from their bondage through Moses. After being saved, God gave them the Ten Commandments and the Mosaic Law, and made a covenant with these people. He chose them to become connected to Him through priests and separated from other nations if they obeyed and worshipped only Him. Through this they became God’s chosen people and they have devoted their faith to