Ancient Egyptian Essay

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Have you ever wondered who the ancient egyptians worshipped or how? The had a system of polytheistic beliefs. The egyptians believed in many Gods and Goddesses that included a variety of ones that would help, destroy, and just be apart of regular everyday life. Family life of the Ancient Egyptians was very interesting. Most Families lived along the Nile River. Their homes were built of mud blocks that were hardened and baked by the sun. Most Egyptian women would grow up to own and run farms,or become a priestess. Young boys started going to school when they were seven while young girls were taught at home. Ancient Egyptian women married grown men when they were teenagers(connectED). …show more content…

At one time, the pharaoh Akhenaton created a religion where there would be only one God, Aton(wikipedia). Ancient egyptians did not want to follow and worship Aton. Because of all the conflict of religion, egypt didn’t focus on war and lost most of it’s land in western asia due to lost battles(connectED). People refused to worship aton and instead kept their own system of beliefs. Ancient Egyptian religion was a complicated system of polytheistic beliefs or believing in many Gods. This religion came from egypt and lasted more than 3,000 years! The egyptians started worshipping more Gods as the status of the pharaoh …show more content…

She was often seen as gentle. She would sometimes appear with the head of a lioness to guard the Pharaoh in battle. The King of the gods was the sun god Ra. Thoth was a god of knowledge and writing hieroglyphics. Hapy was the god of flooding. He was very important because he brought the flood each year. The flood distributed rich silt on the banks of the nile, allowing the egyptians to produce more crops. As well as being the God of the dead, Osiris was a god of Resurrection and fertility. They also believed that Osiris gave them the gift of barley, one of their most important crops(gods and