Religion In The Workplace Essay

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Religion within the workplace is a very controversial topic that has create much heated debate from the ends of management and employees. It is a very tight rope to walk when acknowledging and adhering to religious obligations while also upholding company standards and principles. Our country has been known asa melting pot, and withthat characteristic comes a mix of various and numerous religious beliefs and practices. Our country also prides itself on the freedom of personal and religious expression as well. One of the greatest tasks of Americanmanagement, therefore, is to respect the rights and requests of their religious employees to the extent that doesn’t jeopardize company productivity. This report covers the legal rights, obligations and definitions ofaccommodating religious requests within the workplace from both the employee and employer stand points.

Accommodating Religion …show more content…

Revised drafting has become a demand as technology, international competition, and reengineering have generated a workforce of employees pursuing personal expression not only at home, but also on the job. This has, in return,ignited aquest for religious and spiritual connection in the workplace. This modern expectation for spiritual expression diverges from traditional business tactics, that isolated religion to days of Sabbath, and focused on the dealings of “power, profit, and takeovers” while on the job.(Lauter, 2015) In order to precisely meet this influx of needs toemployee personal expression; that has arisen inboth demandand legalrequirement, implementingreligious accommodation has become a principle issue within business