
Religion Is Everywhere

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Religion is Everywhere In our declining world, the branches of religion touch everything from the government policies, individual policies, and our social lives. Whether you are a firm believer in religion or not, it is affecting you regardless. In every aspect of life, religion is strengthening your self confidence, giving you an aspiration to be good, and endowing positive influence in non-religious places. Religion bestows self assurance and purpose in life. Many times in a person's life, there is question as to what their purpose is. Viktor Frankl a neurologist, psychiatrist, and holocaust survivor had astounding research that he discovered in the Auschwitz Nazi death camp that lead to an even more startling conclusion. Frankl discovered that the it was not the strongest, smallest, or even smartest prisoners who survived, but it was the ones who found a purpose to live. For some, it may not have been religion, however could have been possessing a positive attitude and completing deeds for other people. (Why do We Need Religion) It was the ability to face suffering with dignity and grace that helped people survive the …show more content…

It gives positive core values, accountability, and continuous strives for self-improvement. For example, many times in my life I have been in a situation where I question what actions am I supposed to take. If I am ever in a predicament, I look to scripture to help me find the right answer and to make sure I have made the best action possible. Without scripture and religion in my life, I could have made many wrong decisions, but with the help of those two things I made the right one in the eyes of God. Religion is shaping people in this world to do good, whether that be feeding the homeless, looking to scripture for answers, or striving to be a better person. Religion is helping our ever changing world diminish in harmless acts, and helping people want to become

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