Religious Conflicts In The Article 'What ISIS Really Wants'

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In The two articles I can give an educated guess on what Forster and Smith think about. What I think that smith would think of the portrayal in ‘’What ISIS really wants’’, is that Islamic state Iraq and al-sham aka ISIS is a religious group with significant beliefs and been to wars since the beginning of the early 2000’s and with their beliefs there will be an upcoming apocalypse. And that makes it a realistic portrayal of war.
What Forster thinks about the religion conflicts in the article of ‘‘What ISIS really wants’’ that some of the Islamic state leaders hate other Muslims that to the point they do not communicate with them and killing them. Plus, the religion of Muslim is interesting cause there’s a word called takfir in Islam that means if a Muslim accuses another Muslim man that there an infidel which means, who does not believe in the religion or who adheres to a religion other than ones own and if the accuser is wrong then he himself committed an apostasy by making a false accusation and the punishment of the false accusation is death. …show more content…

In that causes people to get violent on whoever don’t believe in the religion. Muslims and Christians are almost divided in few nations. Plus, a leader that was Christian didn’t accept privileges associated with Muslims.
In ‘’God’s country’’, Forster thinks that’s religious conflict in the article is not fair probably because Christians and Muslims are heated with each other or that women get caught with a Muslim man they must be put back and that almost the same situation as if a Christian girl can’t be seen with a Muslim boy and it’s not fair between both religion and it’s hard to accept each other by who they are a not base by their religion

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