
Religious Pluralism In The United States Essay

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Challenges by Religious Pluralism in the United States There are various presented challenges which are presented by the religious pluralism in the United States. First of all, it is evident that how various intense religious groups eventually isolate themselves in the cells which also create on the problems for the health of their provided members as well as for others to whom they must relate. The Americans are specific in their actions as they see the worst of this inter-faith and the presented intra-faith which is seen to be conflicting in the world around. American citizens are also seen to be having the luxury for the presented conversing, testing, experimenting and the analysis of the challenges. From the more close-up analysis, the American society shows that the most problematic …show more content…

There are positive outcomes affiliated with this concept as well which are depicting as evident from the example of the inter-faith marriages where the Americans also tend to prefer it as it provides a way which helps to getting to know “the other”. The religious make-up also has the major part to be played in the United States which relates to the public and the political life both as the research shows that “The Pew report on the religiously unaffiliated in the United States does focus substantially on belief, offering a number of significant findings among Nones.” (DRESCHER, 2013) The U.S Religious Landscape Survey has included a number of detailed information on the estimation of the religious groups in the United States and the provided detailed information about their political and social values, religious practices, beliefs and other demographic characteristics. This included the sample of 35,000 Americans as the study has revealed that the United States has become the most religiously dynamic as well as the diverse countries in the entire

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