The Importance Of Freedom Of Religion In The United States

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In the United States there are many rights. Freedom of Speech is one of the most important rights. People are allowed to give their opinions about the government, they are able too without getting in any trouble with the law. This right is very important because it allows people to express their opinions. Freedom of religion is another very important right. People are allowed to believe in what they choose to or they can decide to believe in nothing at all. Freedom of Religion makes a living in the United States better because in other countries there is a certain religion everyone has to follow. Freedom of Protesting is people who get together for a cause and whether its good or bad the protest should be allowed to by the government. People may create protest against you or to help you in anything they want.
In the second amendment the right to bear arms is allowing you to carry a weapon. A militia is necessary for the security of a free state.The right of the the people to keep and bear arms should not be broken. This amendment allows you to protect yourself. Different states have different rules of this amendment. Right to bear arms is to protect themselves from violent assaults. Unfortunately it can be more dangerous for members of a household than for potential criminals.
The Third amendment states “As an american we have the right to protect our privacy and home. This amendment protects our home privacy, that no soldiers could come to your house without permission.