Religious Undertones In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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Next, some book 's and story 's have religious undertones used in them. While not common, comparative religion can be just as important to a story as history and symbolism. Hawthorne used comparative religion between Puritanism and Satanism. As Goodman Brown continues through the forest he comes upon a horrifying situation. “Each pendent twig and leafy festoon was in a blaze. As the red light arose and fell, a numerous congregation alternately shone forth, then disappeared in shadow. . .” (Hawthorne 354). Unlike some of the Puritan customs listen above, this is the opposite with the red light and fire. The setting hint 's very heavily that this is not a congregation that Goodman Brown wants to be apart off. The Devil is closely associated with fire as Hell is …show more content…

. .” (Hawthorne 355). The idea of the Satanic congregation is cemented and proven correct with this quote. Here by this point Goodman Brown has nearly given up on his Puritan religion and is about to switch to Satanic instead. He is preparing to take part in this congregation with the people around. Preparing to accept 'his destiny ' as the dark figure so boldly stated. By the next Sabbath-day that takes place, Goodman Brown is present yet he is a changed man. “. . .when the congregation was singing a holy psalm, he could not listen, because an anthem of sin rushed loudly upon his ear, and drowned out all the blessed strain” (Hawthorne 357). Here readers are shown that Goodman Brown is trying to stay and stick with Puritanism. Goodman Brown seems to be trying to get over what he witnessed in the forest, and continue on being a good Puritan. Yet when the first holy psalm is being sung, he cannot bring himself to do so and only remembers the sins he has done. Proving that he can not long follow Puritanism and may have joined the religion of Satanism while he was in the forest. In brief, Goodman Brown undergoes a religious revelation while in the forest and must choose between staying a Puritan or becoming a