Removal Of General Patton By Christian Rainis

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General Patton By Christian Rainis Throughout history, there have been hundreds of generals that have had an impact on the battlefield. However, not very many have had as much of an impact as General George Patton. His leadership, military intelligence, and all-around charisma made him one of the greatest generals in American history. According to the Association of the Army of the United States Army, “Patton fought in nearly every major American 20th century conflict and earned a reputation as “one of America’s greatest battlefield commanders,’” (AUSA). This information was also supported by the National World War II Museum website. The website goes on to praise General Patton for his leadership and abilities on the battlefield. “Although many of Patton’s campaign …show more content…

This is due to some of his actions during and after the war. In particular according to, “In the months following Germany’s surrender, the outspoken general caused another firestorm of controversy when he gave an interview criticizing the Allies’ rigid de-Nazification policies in the defeated country; Eisenhower removed him from command of the 3rd Army in October 1945.” ( This was a culmination of events that ended in his removal from command. This did not negate the effectiveness of his leadership during his time in service, however. According to Britannica’s Alex Lovelace, “Whatever demons he struggled with, and likely there were many, Patton possessed a genius for war like few others in history.” (Lovelace). His legacy on the battlefield will forever overshadow his wrongdoings. General Patton used leadership, military intelligence, and charisma to lead his soldiers to victory. While he faced controversy throughout his career, his accomplishments in battle were evidently more impactful. His ability to influence the enemy from thousands of miles away is a testimony to his service. General George Patton,