
George S Patton Qualities

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George S Patton was one of the most brilliant soldiers in American history. he led his troops to great victories in North Africa, Sicily and on the Western Front. Nazi generals admitted that of all American field commanders he was the one they most feared. To the Americans he was a worthy successor of such hard cavalrymen as Philip Sheridan, J. E. B. Stuart and Nathan Bedford Forrest. His great soldier qualities were matched by one of the most colorful personalities of his period. About him countless legends clustered together some true, some not true, but all telling to the firm hold he had upon the imaginations of his men. He went into action with two pearl- handled revolvers in holsters on his hips. He was the master of an unprintable brand of …show more content…

At El Guettar in March of 1943 he won the first major American victory over the Nazi's. In July of that year he leaped from a landing barge and waded ashore to the beachhead at Gela, Sicily, then beginning a campaign that, as he himself observed, out-blitzed the inventors of Blitzkreig (the Nazi only real trick.). In just thirty-eight days the American Seventh Army, under his leadership, and the British Eighth Army, under General Sir Bernard Montgomery, conquered all of Sicily. But it was as the leader of his beloved Third Army on the Western Front that General Patton pounded out his strongest claims to military greatness. In ten months his armor and infantry roared through six countries France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Czechoslovakia and Austria. It crossed the Seine, the Loire, the Moselle, the Saar, the Rhine, the Danube and a score of lesser rivers; captured more than 750,000 Nazis, and killed or disabled 500,000 in the campaign.

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