Renaissance Era Research Paper

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There are many significant musical time periods that helped shaped music into everything it is today. One of the most interesting and important would have to be the Renaissance period. The Renaissance period took place in the late 1400’s to the 1600’s. It was considered a more free kind of music, where rhythm and harmony grew more complex. Also during the Renaissance period many musical instruments were created and also a shift of focus from instrumental music to vocal music occurred. Out with the old and in with the new? A saying which many people find themselves asking within their lives was the theme of the Renaissance. With the end of the first round of plague and the Hundred Years war came many new ideas and inventions. The Renaissance …show more content…

They stayed in court and had their own chapels where they stayed. Also during this time period there were Madrigals which were solely for the purpose of entertainment. Madrigals are still performed today, however during this time period they were mainly in Italian courts and sung in Italian. They eventually spread and were edited to fit the specific language and entertainment requirements of the country or court. The crowd favorite theme behind Madrigals were often about love, even erotic love. However many madrigals reflected on the ideas of nature and were based off of poems or …show more content…

At the end of his musical career he had written over 100 masses and over 140 madrigals. He started his education in Rome where he finished his musical education and was made Organist and choir master at Sant Agapito. His patron at the church was eventually appointed to Pope in 1550 and he followed the pope and continued with his music, however he was married and this didn’t go well with other religious leaders so when his patron pope died he was forced to leave because people were uneasy of his presence. He later returned to the Vatican, when people felt much better about his marriage, where he finished out his musical career. He is famous for many of his secular madrigals and his counterpoint music, many people and religious leaders enjoyed his styling. Another one of the greatest Renaissance composers would be Thomas Tallis. He wrote many famous songs for the church. He lived and served and wrote music under four famous British Monarchs. It is also said that Queen Elizabeth favored him immensely and gave him special permission to use the printing press invented during this time. This was truly an honor because this was extremely unheard of at the