Renato Gutusso Analysis

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At the Long Beach Museum of Art, hangs a painting from 1957 that is very reminiscent of artwork by Paul Cezanne, however this painting was created by an Italian artist with the name of Renato Gutusso. In his painting, “Paessagio” Gutusso captures the cityscape of Palermo, Italy in a very geometric fashion with a very limited pallet; bringing together both his creativeness and influence of Cezanne. Upon first viewing this work from across the room I instantly felt like I had in fact found something painted by Paul Cezanne. I was actually shocked to see that this was not one of Cezanne’s works but that of an artist named Renato Gutusso, many decades after Cezanne’s death in 1906. To me this painting seemed very busy with lots of buildings crammed into the frame. Although this painting was from 1957 it had many qualities of French Post-Impressionist era art; however this painting was done well after that era and not in France but rather in Italy. Much like French Post-Impressionist’s Gutusso used very geometric shaped and a very limited palette of analogous colors to illustrate the city of Palermo, Italy. Since the painting was done almost 60 years ago it is still in amazing condition. …show more content…

This seems to portray the idea of how crowded the city seemed to Gutusso. With the use of colors the artist is able to distinguish between each of the different buildings illustrated. By placing two very large buildings in the background of the painting, the artist was able to create an attraction from the bottom of the painting to the foreground with lots of detail, to the top of the painting. Since this painting has a lot of mass to it this leading for the viewer ensures that the whole painting is viewed and taken in. With the use of scaling Gutusso is able to fill the entire frame with buildings giving an overwhelming feeling