Report: What Will The Ph Be Of Two Different Natural Bodies Of Water

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What will the pH be of two different natural bodies of water? Hypothesis: If the type of natural water body is changed then the pH of the water will differ due to the different amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the water. Data Presentation: Analysis of results: When the two universal indicators, came into contact with the natural bodies of water, a colour change occurred. Both universal indicators were originally yellow in colour. When the universal indicator came into contact with the natural body of water, it changed to a reddish colour. When the universal indicator came into contact with the natural body if water, it changed to a blueish colour. When universal indicators change to a reddish colour when it comes into contact with …show more content…

The river that I went to was in Krugersdorp, an area known for its bad acid mine drainage. The river had no fish in it and there as very little fauna and flora in and around the river. It was also a small stream and looked quite clean. This could mean that it was near its source and could have had a little bit of acid rain, since rain is more acidic due to the water molecules coming into contact with Carbon dioxide as stated by Milton Kazmeyer (2018). These lower pH levels make it harmful to immature fish and insects. When universal indicators change to a blueish colour when it comes into contact with water, it means that the water was basic (has a pH greater than 7). This means that there were more Hydroxyl ions than hydrogen ions. This river is near my house but downstream from an informal settlement. The water looked quite dirty and polluted. This could also

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